Friday, August 26, 2011

Why Them?!?!

Well unfortunately the Yankees have set a new baseball record, three grand slams in one game. I am not joking... my least favorite team in the world (yes more then the Jets and the Giants) has set a record. 'Grumbles'. Since we are talking about the Yankees, I heard that there are some shirts going around that say, "I'll be dead before the Red Sox catch-up to the Yankees in the World Series." WHHHHHAT??? Oh, they did not just say that. Yes, it was on a shirt but still, rude.

The Washington Nationals lost their third game with the Diamondbacks last night under orange skies. It was like the whole sky had been filled with dust and someone had lit a flame behind the dust. Man was it cool.

Football time:
Bad News: The Redskins lost to the Ravens.
Good News: It was a last minute touchdown. Not bad considering that last season was... well... a train wreak, to put it gently. The defense has put itself together and the offense is finding their groove. One thing remans, who will be the QB? John Beck (my pick) or Rex Grossman (he is like sooo last season). Both showed how good they are in yesterday's game but they could be better. Then again, everyone could improve.

It's time for those outrageous predictions about who will be the best in the whole league. They say that the Patriots will lose to the Packers. Umm, I don't think so. They may have beat the Steelers last year (still upset about that) but they will NOT do the same to the Pats. Sorry; and anyway 70%* of the time this stuff is wrong. *Not an official estimate. Just guessing here.

And in Olympic news:  The IOC has said that if Qatar makes a bid for the 2020 summer Olympics (and win the bid) they will let them hold them in the fall of that year. But how will the women athletes compete covered from head to toe?? Swimming, beach volleyball, running... etc. All those show a lot of skin, which is frowned upon in Qatar.

I didn't mean to forget about this blog but school's started and it's been busy in my life.

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