Monday, January 9, 2012

Wild Card Games Turn Wild

I really didn't want to write this blog but I must since I am a Steelers fan. Well, as most of you know the Steelers lost to the Denver Broncos, 29-23. It was an agonizing game to watch. The Steelers scored first with two field goals but Denver came back and by halftime were up 20-6. The old reliable Steelers fought back to take the lead but only managed to tie the game, 23-23 late in the fourth quarter. Into overtime we go. I really hate play-off games that go into overtime but when they include one of my teams then it's torture. The torture didn't last long. The Broncos won the coin toss and on the first play the game was over. In two plays, Tebow and the rest of the Broncos pulled out a miracle, getting a touchdown pass to finish off the Steelers. Final Score: 29-23. There's always next year. I have a soft spot for the Broncos, but I do want the Patriots win on Saturday.

The Saints are moving on as well. They played Saturday (I still think football on Saturday is weird) against the Detroit Lions and won. But unlike some would have thought, it wasn't a one-sided game. The Saints did win 45-28.

Hockey can be a very lopsided sport, for example the Bruins game on Thursday. Let me start with the final score: 9-0 Bruins. Yes, you read that right, for a Bruins fan like me it's a great score. But if you see it from the point of view of a Flames fan than it's not such a good game. In fact it's a really bad game. Seven different people scored on the Flames goalie. You just have to feel bad for him.

The NHL realignment has been postponed because the players union didn't agree with how it was going to be set-up.

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